Sunday, December 29, 2019

Pride And Prejudice By Jane Austen - 1522 Words

The book Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen is a novel that focuses mainly on wealth, matrimony, and etiquettes. Although this might seem clichà ©, I have learned to never judge a stereotypical book by its cover. As for the character Elizabeth, that lesson might have been useful for her. In the book Pride and Prejudice, getting married to a wealthy man with very high etiquettes is highly looked up to. Two of the five daughters of Mr. Bennet get introduced to two handsome, wealthy men in the name of Mr. Bingley and Mr. Darcy. Sparks immediately fly between Mr. Bingley and Jane, the oldest of the daughters, but as for Elizabeth, things do not go so well for her and for the very proud, Mr. Darcy. The two lovebirds, Jane and Mr. Bingley, got separated from each other due to Mr. Darcy’s ignorance, and persuaded Mr. Bingley that Jane was indifferent to him. Jane travels to London in the hopes of seeing Mr. Bingley, but his sister, with no great civility towards the two Benne t sisters, tells Jane that Mr. Bingley has fallen in love with Georgiana, Mr. Darcy’s sister. Not knowing that this was a lie, Jane felt very ill about it. On the other side of the road, Elizabeth visits her friend Charlotte, who is married to Mr. Collins; her cousin that will soon inherit the Bennets’ family estate once Mr. Bennet dies. Elizabeth finally meets Lady Catherine de Bourgh, whom Mr. Collins speaks highly of, but little did she know that Mr. Darcy and Lady Catherine are related. DuringShow MoreRelatedPride And Prejudice By Jane Austen Essay1724 Words   |  7 PagesThe 18th century novel, Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen, is a fascinating book about a young woman’s struggle with family and love. Pride and Prejudice was originally published in 1813, but, the most common version of the story, and the one used for this research, is from the version published in 1892, still by only Jane Austen, though many other authors have contributed to this b ook over time. Austen often references the class system at the time, often noting one of the multiple heroine’s struggleRead MorePride And Prejudice By Jane Austen1467 Words   |  6 Pages Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen is a classic novel that has remained relevant even years after its release. Its themes and symbols are understandable to even the most modern of reader. One of the many themes is sisterhood, something that is focused on constantly throughout the novel. Elizabeth Bennet, the protagonist of the novel, finds many of her decisions to be based upon the actions of her sisters. Making sisterhood a main driving force. Whether they are confiding in each other for marriageRead MorePride And Prejudice By Jane Austen872 Words   |  4 PagesIn my personal cherished novel, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, the worlds of two immensely divergent people display the marxist idea of the importance of social status and its affect on the people. The two main characters s eem to be on opposite ends of the earth in terms of an affluent Mr. Darcy being so privileged while on the contrary, Miss Elizabeth Bennet is of a lower class. Throughout the novel, there is a fine distinction between their clashing opinions and actions that are highly influencedRead MorePride And Prejudice By Jane Austen Essay1711 Words   |  7 Pageshe 18th century novel, Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen, is a fascinating book about a young woman’s struggle with family and love. Pride and Prejudice was originally published in 1813, but, the most common version of the story, and the one used for this research, is from the version published in 1892, still by only Jane Austen, though many other authors have contributed to this book over time. Austen often references the class system at the time, often noting one of the multiple heroine’s struggleRead MorePride And Prejudice By Jane Austen1285 Words   |  6 PagesPride and Prejudice Analysis I.Introduction Jane Austen wrote her novels during the time period known as the Regency. The Enlightenment and the Age of Reason, a time where ideas like democracy, secularism, and the rise of developing sciences were making their way across Europe had come to an end.It was replaced with the wave of horror that was the French Revolution, a once minor revolt that escalated into a violent war, concluding with the rise of Napoleon, which whom England fought against the majorityRead MorePride And Prejudice By Jane Austen1384 Words   |  6 PagesNicole Voyatzis Professor W. Acres HISTORY 1401E May 26, 2015 Discussion Paper - Pride and Prejudice Pride and Prejudice written in 1813 by Jane Austen tells the story of The Bennet’s and their five unmarried daughters. The family live as part of the lower gentry in early 19th century England. With that being said, Mrs. Bennet’s primary focus in life is to ensure that all her daughters are married, preferably to wealthy men. The book begins with Mrs. Bennet seeing an opportunity for her daughtersRead MorePride And Prejudice By Jane Austen1570 Words   |  7 PagesThe comical novel Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen depicts the love life of women in the early 1800’s. Austen shows the hardships young women in that time period had to go threw to find their place in this world. Women were thought of as objects to the men, they were supposed to be stay at home mothers, or simple just a accessory to their partner. Women were the subordinates in life, as they still are today. Austen tells the story of how Mrs. Bennet (a mother of 5) works tirelessly to get her daughte rsRead MoreJane Austen: Pride and Prejudice 1086 Words   |  5 PagesJane Austen, born December 16, 1775, was an English novelist whose works of romantic fiction earned her a place as one of the most widely read authors in English literature. Austen’s novels critique the life of the second half of the eighteenth century and are part of the transition to nineteenth-century realism. Though her novels were by no means autobiographical, her fictional characters do shed light on the facts of her life and but more importantly, they offered aspiring writers a model of howRead MorePride And Prejudice By Jane Austen914 Words   |  4 Pages Bell 1 Natalie Bell Pedersen English 4 honors 29 February 2016 Pride and Prejudice Essay Jane Austen s novel, Pride and Prejudice, focuses on the social conflicts of England during the 1800s. Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy fall in love, and face social criticism. Mr. Darcy struggles with the ideology of societal expectations while falling in love with Elizabeth Bennet. After persistent self-reflection, Mr. Darcy overcomes the stereotype of whom he should marry, and marries ElizabethRead More Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen 1104 Words   |  5 Pagesrate of over 50% from 1970-2010. However, during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, marriage was often one of the few choices for a woman’s occupation. Reading Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen from the twenty-first century perspective might make some matters that are stressed in the book seem dated or trivial. As Pride and Prejudice was set sometime during the Napoleonic Wars, it is only fitting that finding a proper marriage is on the minds of many of the women in the book. Marriage and marrying

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Divergent Reflection - 1093 Words

When authors write their books, they try to utilize several different elements to assist making the book’s climax entertaining and exciting, but to encourage the reader think back to the beginning of the book, and realize how they could have never foreseen the plot after the first couple of chapters. To take an example of using elements to create action, Veronica Roth heavily shapes the main character’s personality throughout the book, Divergent. The protagonist, Tris, starts as a timid, undaring, and rather boring person, but turns into a daredevil by the end of the novel. Tris changed in Divergent thourgh independence, relaxation, and most importantly, bravery. Veronica Roth shaped Tris to become more independent as the book†¦show more content†¦Examples include, most noticeably, the choosing ceremony. Tris is a nervous wreck when trying to choose what faction, her blood even drips between bowls. Roth makes Tris seem nervous when she has Tris second guessing herself because her decision may be altered after Caleb transferred. Tris asks her self a variety of questions such as â€Å"If Caleb wasn’t fit for Abnegation, how can I be? But what choice do I have, now that he left us and I’m the only who remains?† (Roth 47). On the other hand, the anxiety fades after she becomes more confident in herself, especially after being ranked first after the second stage of initiation. This evidence contrasts how Tris acted in the first half versus the second half of Divergent. Another example of how she became more relaxed is by looking at her two fights in stage one, in which she faced Peter and Molly. When Tris fought Peter, she was afraid of him, and instead of relaxing, and taking a strategic approach, she panicked and the fight ended rather quickly with Peter beating Tris very easily. Tris’ fight against Molly was the exact opposite. To be fair, Peter was a better fighter in the end, but Tris still looked like a very d ifferent opponent in the two fights. When she was assigned to Molly, she immediately knows that â€Å"She’ll make the first move. She always does† (Roth 172). The difference in the outcome of the two fights is due to Tris panicking in one, andShow MoreRelatedDivergent Book Reflection Essay758 Words   |  4 PagesIn the book, Divergent by Veronica Roth, the main character, Tris, chooses a different faction and goes through changes in her life that she never thought she would have to go through. The main theme that stood out in the book was change. Change can make you question where you belong-Change can be affected by what other people think of you-change can shape you to become a better person. In the book the author showed change by comparing Tris to a child, when she was not like one. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Proton Strategic Managemen Free Essays

string(120) " extent to which organizations successfully cope or take advantage of these developments differs in substantial manner\."  « Task Management – Antiques-2000 | Main | Global Marketing Strategies :Case Study of Peninsula Hotel Group  » November 25, 2010 Strategic Management of Proton, Malaysia | 4| | Strategic Management: Proton, Malaysia Table of Contents TOC o â€Å"1-3† h z u 1. Introduction. PAGEREF _Toc226437728 h 3 2. We will write a custom essay sample on Proton Strategic Managemen or any similar topic only for you Order Now Background of Proton. PAGEREF _Toc226437729 h 3 3. Macro-Environment Analysis. PAGEREF _Toc226437730 h 5 3. 1 Political PAGEREF _Toc226437731 h 7 3. 2 Economic. PAGEREF _Toc226437732 h 8 3. 3 Social PAGEREF _Toc226437733 h 8 3. Technological PAGEREF _Toc226437734 h 9 4. Micro-Environment Analysis. PAGEREF _Toc226437735 h 10 4. 1 Strengths. PAGEREF _Toc226437736 h 11 4. 2 Weaknesses. PAGEREF _Toc226437737 h 11 4. 3 Opportunities. PAGEREF _Toc226437738 h 12 4. 4 Threats. PAGEREF _Toc226437739 h 13 5. AFTA Compliance Problems. PAGEREF _Toc226437740 h 13 6. Industry Analysis. PAGEREF _Toc226437741 h 15 6. 1 Threats of New Entry. PAGEREF _Toc226437742 h 16 6. 2 Threat of Substitution. PAGEREF _Toc226437743 h 16 6. 3 Buyer Power PAGEREF _Toc226437744 h 17 . 4 Suppliers Power PAGEREF _Toc226437745 h 17 6. 5 Competitive Rivalry. PAGEREF _Toc226437746 h 17 7. Recommendation. PAGEREF _Toc226437747 h 18 8. The Strategic Triangle. PAGEREF _Toc226437748 h 18 9. Aligning Organization Wide Strateg ies. PAGEREF _Toc226437749 h 19 10. Adaptive Processes. PAGEREF _Toc226437750 h 20 11. Metrics/Performance Measures. PAGEREF _Toc226437751 h 20 12. Conclusion. PAGEREF _Toc226437752 h 21 13. References. PAGEREF _Toc226437753 h 23 14. Appendices. PAGEREF _Toc226437754 h 25 14. Appendix A: Strategic Triangle. PAGEREF _Toc226437755 h 25 14. 2 Appendix B: Balance Score Card Dimension of Proton. PAGEREF _Toc226437756 h 26 Table of Table TOC h z c â€Å"Table† Table 1 PEST Analysis. PAGEREF _Toc225758233 h 6 Table 2 SWOT Analysis. PAGEREF _Toc225758234 h 11 Table of Figures TOC h z c â€Å"Figure† Figure 1 Porter’s Five Forces. PAGEREF _Toc225758249 h 16 1. Introduction The automotive industry in Malaysia is considered as one of the most vital and significant strategic industries in the manufacturing sector (ESCAP 2009). Malaysia is predominantly a passenger car market and the industry is considered as a domestic market-oriented (ESCAP 2009). The primary reason why passenger care market is prominent in the country is because of the economic status of the country. The objective of this paper is to focus on the case of Proton in terms of facing different dilemmas in the local and global automotive industry. Furthermore, it will use the Delta model in order to analyze the performance and recommend different actions to be done in order to maintain the position of the company in the market. 2. Background of Proton Proton or synonyms for Perusahaan Otomobile Nasional Berhad was incorporated on May 7, 1983 in order to manufacture, assemble and sell different motor vehicles and other related products which include different accessories, spare parts and other important components (PMProject n. d. ). Based on the technology and parts from Mitsubishi, the production of the first model or the Proton Saga began in September 1985 at its first manufacturing plant in Shah Alam Selangor by the Malaysian Prime Minister Dato’ Seri Dr. Mahathir Mohamad (Histomobile n. d. ; PMProject n. d. ). At first, all of the components of the car were entirely manufactured by Mitsubishi, but the local part has been able to be used, as technologies were transferred and skills were gained. In January 1989, the 100,000th of Proton Sage was produced (Histomobile n. d). At the end of 1990s, the logo of the car was changed from the Malaysia’s coat of arms and a fourteen-pointed star to a stylized tiger head. In 1993, a new model called Proton Wira was introduced that was based on the design and engineering of Mitsubishi Lancer/Colt where in more than 220,000 units were sold from 1996 to 1998. Together with that, the Proton Perdana that was based on the Mitsubishi Eterna was produced in 1994 that was intended for higher market (Histomobile n. d. ). In 1996, an acquisition of Lotus technologies form Bugatti, Proton helped the company to have an additional source of engineering and automotive expertise which enables the company to produce the Proton Gen-2, to become the first of cars to be manufactured and assembled at the new manufacturing plant in Tanjung Malim, Perak which is part of Proton City development project, which was opened in 2004 (Histomobile n. d. ). In 2004, the company purchased a major stock in MV Agusta of Italy which is the manufacturer of MV Agusta, Husqvama and Cagiva motorcycles. Later on, the company sold off its 57. 7% share to MV Agusta to another Italian company for a token of one Euro. Because of the heavy debt by MV Agusta, the selling gives Proton the opportunity to write off the losses off its book. During the same year, the company announced about their planned partnership with the Volkswagen AG of Germany. Under the said partnership both of the company will be able to take advantage of both their strengths. For the company, Volkswagen will be able to share knowledge, expertise and technologies, while the company can offer spare capacity at the latter’s Tanjung Malim in order to assemble cars for export o the South East Asian market, where in the German auto giant has a weak presence. However, on January 13, 2006, Volkswagen had announced that the negotiation of the partnership has failed due to the different reasons, primarily the fact that the plans of the company were different and clashes with the terms and conditions that are being offered by Proton (Histomobile n. . ). In 2002, Proton held a high market share of more than 60% in Malaysia. However due to the different factors such as the economic and social aspects, the said share was reduced to 30% by 2005. The said number will further reduce in the next years due to the AFTA which mandates reduce tariffs to maximum of 5% (Histomobile n. d. ). 3. Macro-Environment Analysis Every industry is being affected by the developments in the macro-environment. Fundamentally, all organizations are affected by the same developments; however, the extent to which organizations successfully cope or take advantage of these developments differs in substantial manner. You read "Proton Strategic Managemen" in category "Papers" Furthermore, developments may potentially influence one industry more severely than other. Therefore, it is vital for organizations to identify or anticipate the macro-developments in order to assess their potential impact on the industry and the organization (Nijssen ; Framback 2000, p. 53). Table SEQ Table * ARABIC 1 PEST Analysis PEST Analysis| Political * AFTA; * different environmental Policies| Economic * global and local economic crisis; * slowing growth of Malaysian economy; * poor consumer sentiment and changing buying behavior of the consumer; * increasing competition; * huge total labor force;| Social * huge population; * car ownership (1:5); * set on big-ticket items; * growing knowledge and concern of the people towards the environment; * impact of the image of the brand; * slowing/decreasing buying pattern of the consumer. Technological * competing development in technology; * maturity of technology; * intellectual property; * potential for innovation and development; * maturity and capacity of manufacturing| Table 2 shows the different factors which affect the operation of Proton and other major players in the industry in the country. Thus, all of the factors can be grouped into 4: political, economic, social and technological. 3. 1 Political One of the important factors to consider is the presenc e of AFTA or ASEAN Free Trade Area. Currently, most of ASEAN region are free trade or 96% of the entire ASEAN trade. AFTA was established in January of 1992 in order to eliminate tariff barriers among the Southeast Asian countries. It planned to reduce tariffs to zero to 5% in 15 years among the six nations through a common effective preferential tariff (Ghani ; Zainuddin 2008). Because Malaysia has two national carmakers which are Proton and Perodua, and the government wants to protect their interests. Unfortunately, the said development could prove to be a temporary solution. If we are going to check on the high selling prices of the national cars of Malaysia because of high production costs and lack of vendor efficiency, there is a big possibility that the local market will be ruled by imported cars. As a result, there will be increase in the number of the vehicles on the road and there will be a glut of used cars in the market, because people will tend to trade their cars for cheaper and imported brands (Frost ; Sullivan 2002). On the other hand, the issue regarding the environment is vital because it is considered as one of the most talk about topics in the world. The environmental regulation in Malaysia can be traced back during the colonialism of British which introduced the environmental standards about the mineral and agricultural resources to Europe. 3. 2 Economic The vehicle sales in the country is expected to fall by 12. 4% in 2009 due to different economic aspect, primarily the issue of global financial crisis, which affected the local financial status of the country (AseanOneMonitoring 2009). As a result, the government of the country is expecting a slow economic growth for the country, which can affect the buying behavior of the customers. Furthermore, due to the AFTA, it had increased the competition, which will impact the performance of Proton. However, the performance of the automobile industry will be maintained and managed due to the huge total labor force. Despite of the slower economic growth in 2003, the unemployment rate was only 3. 5%, which shows an almost full employment (PriceWaterHouseCooper 2005). 3. 3 Social The growing population in the country is one of the factors which can affect the automobile industry. In 2008, the country has a total of 27. million citizens (US Department of State n. d. ). This will give a greater number of markets. Furthermore, the ratio of car ownership in the country is somewhat high or total of 1:5, which signifies that people are considering cars as important things in their lives. Furthermore, people will also set on big-ticket items or consumers are expected to put off buying different motor vehicles because of the employment market uncertainty because of the global and lo cal financial crisis (AseanOneMonitoring 2009). Another factor to consider is the growing knowledge and concern of the people regarding different environmental issues. Furthermore, the impact of the image to the loyalty of the customer is also another factor. 3. 4 Technological Technology is considered as one of the most important factor in the automotive industry. Due to the increasing competition, the development in technology is growing and affecting the performance and position of each and every company in the automobile industry. It is also important to consider the maturity of technology, together with the maturity and capacity of manufacturing, which affect the innovation process of any company. The intellectual property is also important factor, because it is considered as a sign of authenticity and uniqueness. Due to the different technologies, primarily the help of computer and the Internet, the potential for innovation and development is increasing. 4. Micro-Environment Analysis Table SEQ Table * ARABIC 2 SWOT Analysis SWOT Analysis| Strengths * strong support from the government; * strong brand; * reputation; * flexible manufacturing capability| Weaknesses * lack of R;D; * over reliant on the government; * not so competitive; * higher costs than competitors; * lack of international operations; * lack of original products/services; * limited product line; * existing quality issue; * human resource issue| Opportunities * â€Å"Green† Cars; * available government support; * available technological innovations; * entering new markets; * gain online/e-commerce presence; * strategic alliances and joint ventures| Threats * slow growth of automotive market; * change in the consumer lifestyle; * changes in regulation (AFTA); * changing technology; * competition from the foreign markets; * new competitors entering the market; * price war between competitors| Table 2 shows the internal and external factors that are important for the growth of the company such as its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. 4. 1 Strengths One of the important strengths of the company is its reputation or strong brand image due to the long years it had stayed in the industry. Because of that, the Malaysia people have become familiar and loyal to the brand, aside from the fact that Proton had become the national car brand in the country. Due to that, the car manufacturer has a strong support or back-up from the government, which is considered as an important entity in any business environment. Above all, the company has a manufacturing capability at Tg. Malim to consolidate all models, as well as the existing tariff structure (BuildBoard n. d. ). 4. 2 Weaknesses There are also different weaknesses which must be improved by the company in order to maintain their position in the government. First is the lack of R;D or innovation as well as lack of original products and limited products because of the inability of the company to introduce real new models, which lead them to cannibalize their screwed up line of products (BuildBoard n. d. ). This is because some of the products or models of Proton were based on the model of other international leading brand. It is also important to consider that the company is lacking in international operation, due to the different factors, primarily because of huge competition in the global market. The reputation or image of the company is also facing difficulties because of the current quality issue due to active service units and low plant utilization (BuildBoard n. d. ). Furthermore, company is having different human resource issue due to their inability to retain and cultivate talent. Because of all these reasons, the company is lacking in international operations. Above all, due to it’s over reliance to the government, without the strong support from the government, Proton could lose out to major players in the industry that can cause serious impact on the different supply chain (AseanAffairs 2009). 4. 3 Opportunities The support of the government to the company is an important opportunity, because the government considers the company as their partner, therefore majority of cars needed by local and national government will be Proton. Furthermore, the company can also take advantage of the different technological developments, particularly the different Information Technology (IT) or Information System or IS which can help the company to manage their information that can help them in the decision-making process. Entering new markets will also help the company to expand their business in terms of size; therefore can help to gain more turnovers. It is also important to consider the ongoing popularity of e-commerce or online selling of goods. This will help the company to target more market in more reliable, fast and cost-effective manner. Furthermore, the changing perspective and concern of the people towards the environment also created opportunities for different automotive industry, and that is to offer different â€Å"Green† cars or hybrid cars. 4. 4 Threats The most crucial threats to be faced by the company are the global financial crisis which affects the economy of Malaysia, and affect the lifestyle and buying behavior of the consumer. As a result, as of October of 2008, new-vehicle deliveries slipped by 13% from 42,915 of last year to 37,512 units (Chrysler 2008). The changing and maturing of the technology is also another important factor to consider, together with the growing number of competitors who are entering the market, which result to the price wars. The main reason behind this situation is the AFTA which focus on reducing tariffs from zero to 5% in 15 years among the six nations through a common effective preferential tariff It planned to reduce tariffs to zero to 5% in 15 years among the six nations through a common effective preferential tariff (Ghani ; Zainuddin 2008). 5. AFTA Compliance Problems The ASEAN Free Trade Area or AFTA is a collective effort by the member countries in order to eliminate tariffs on intra-ASEAN trade in the goods sector. The main target is to achieve tariff between 0 – 5% in 2003 for the six original member countries, Vietnam by 2006, Lao PDR and Myanmar by 2008 and Cambodia by 2010, at the same time remove quantitative restrictions and other non-tariff barriers. The reduction or elimination of tariff is undertaken through the Common Effective Preferential Tariff Scheme (Ministry of International Trade and Industry 2008). The main impact of AFTA to the economy of Malaysia is the increase intra-ASEAN competition from lower cost producers; declined competitiveness of traditional export industries which include the high labor cost, lack of resources and expertise and technology obsolescence; removal of protection such as quota system and monopoly status; complying with 40% local content rule; develop competitive local small and medium industries which will focus on the domestic market, dependent on single or few buyers and lack of expertise and backward technology. As a result there are different sectors that might face strong competition primarily the ceramic tiles, cement, plastic products and automotive industry (Ghani ; Zainuddin 2008). AFTA will result to higher economies of scale in the automotive industry in Malaysia. Higher economies of scale will mean lower unit production costs. This will help to translate into lower retail prices and a bigger market. Therefore, AFTA could translate into price cuts of about 20% to 50% on vehicles. Competitive producers can export their products throughout the region at very low import duties and pass on cost savings to consumers. As a result, consumers can exercise a wider and better product choice at very competitive prices (Dey 2002). 6. Industry Analysis Figure SEQ Figure * ARABIC 1 Porter’s Five Forces Competitive Rivalry § Improving product differentiation; § Large number of firms; § Low Switching cost; § High exit barriers; § diversity of rivals| Threat of Substitution § Quality of the substitutes products; § willingness of the buyers to substitute; § Low cost of switching to substitutes. | Buyer Power § Homogeneous products; § Huge number of buyers; § Buyers are fragmented (many, different); § High role of quality of service of products;| Supplier Power § Few dominant suppliers; § High role of quality and service; § High cost of switching| Threat of New Entry § High capital/investment requirements; § Availability of the distribution channels; § Access to technology; § Brand loyalty of the customer; § Friendly government regulations| Figure 1 shows the industry analysis of the automotive industry in general. According to Porter, there are 5 important factors which show the attractiveness or value of the structure of the industry: entry of competitors, threat of substitutes, bargaining power of suppliers, bargaining power of buyers and rivalry among the existing players. 6. 1 Threats of New Entry The threats of new entry pertain on how easy or difficult for new entrant to start competing (12Manage n. d. ). The primary barriers of new entry are the high capital and investments that are needed in order to enter the industry. This is because it mainly focuses on the different technologies that are needed in order to come up with the quality and services that are being offered by the long time players in the industry. Aside from that, it is also important to consider the availability of the distribution channel which is very important in connecting with the customers. Furthermore, because there is long time player in the industry, brand loyalty of the customers is considered as inevitable. However, due to AFTA, the government offers friendly entrance policies for the possible new entrants. 6. 2 Threat of Substitution The threats of substitution pertain on the ability of the customers to go for substitute products that might be cheaper and accessible. In terms of the passenger car industry, the growing demands for bikes and motorcycles. More and more people are switching from using the passenger cars into using bikes and motorbikes due to two reasons, first is that it helps them to save money because of gasoline, at the same time, the consumer are becoming more aware of their environmental benefits. Thus, thequality of the substitute’s products, the willingness of the customers and the low costs of switching enables the threats of substitution high. 6. 3 Buyer Power The bargaining power of the customers in this industry is somewhat high due to the homogenous or almost the same products, which divide the number of sales from huge number of competitors. But it can be maintained due to the huge number of buyers, primarily in developed countries, aside from the fact that the buyers are fragmented. Above all, the importance of quality of the products and services are important factors which affect the power of the buyer. 6. 4 Suppliers Power The supplier has a neutral power over the industry. This is because there are few dominant suppliers in the industry who are well known for quality and brand image. This is affected by the high role of quality and service in the industry, because the industry is directly connected to safety and quality of life of the customers. The most important factor which add up to the influence of the suppliers is the high cost of switching. 6. 5 Competitive Rivalry The competitive rivalry pertains on the intensity of rivalry among the competitors in the industry. it is important to consider the improving product differentiation due to the extensive effort of each and every automobile company in the world to become unique and have the stronger market position in the industry. This is the major impact of the large number of firms of organization competing in the global market including local players from Korea, China and Japan which result to diversity of cultures and organizational behaviors of the rivals. The low switching cost from one brand to another intensifies the competition in the market and pushes all of the major and minor players to focus on RD and innovation processes in order to improve their overall performance in the market. Above all, the competition is increased due to high exit barriers due to the human resource and facilities. 7. Recommendation It will be important for the company to focus on the Delta model in the process of planning and implementing their strategy. The Delta model is a strategy framework that was developed by Dean Wilde together with the members of Dean Company and Arnoldo Hax of MIT/Sloan School of Management (Value Based Management. net n. d. ). 8. The Strategic Triangle There are three options that are represented in Triangle which are considered as the starting point o the dialogue for the development of a strong vision (see Appendix A) (Hax Wilde II 2003). Due to the current condition of the company regarding their competitive advantage which pertains on the quality of their products, it will be important to focus on the Best Product positioning. This is because of the fact that the best way to attract, satisfy and retain customers is through the inherent characteristics of the product itself. The position is rather inward and narrow, based upon the prevailing product economics. Thus, the major strategic driving forces are the development of an efficient supply chain that will guarantee low cost infrastructure; a proven internal capability for new product development. At the same time, it will help the proper renewal of the existing product line that will help to secure the distribution channels that will help to transfer the products to the targeted market segments (Hax Wilde II 2003). This will focus on the RD and innovation process for the company. In order to maintain the process of engineering and designing passenger cars which will suit the taste and preferences of the customers this is affected by different demographics, economics and social factors. Due to the growing problem of global economic crisis, it will be important to focus on low cost or differentiation of the products. 9. Aligning Organization Wide Strategies In this stage, it will be important to focus on organizational change, because it will focus on restructuring the current business rules and policies towards the strategies of the company. In the case of the company, it will be important to focus on the strong product base, solid supply chain infrastructure as well as internal innovation capabilities to match (Hax Wilde II 2003). 10. Adaptive Processes Because of the fact that the strategies of the company focus on the RD process of Proton, it will be important to focus on the Innovation as the strategic task. It ensures a continuous stream of new products and services in order to maintain the future viability of the business. It also helps to mobilizes all of the creative resources of the firm which include the technical, production and capabilities in the marketing field in order to develop an innovative infrastructure for the business. Furthermore, the company must not limit itself to the pursuit of the different internal product development, but must focus the sources of innovation from the suppliers, customers and key complementors. It maintains the focus on the renewal of the business to maintain its competitive advantage as well as superior financial performance (Hax Wilde II 2003). In this stage, it will be important for the company to know the reactions and opinions of the Malaysia customers regarding the design of their models, particularly the issue of almost identical design of each model. 11. Metrics/Performance Measures It is important to consider that metrics providing overview should be supplemented with granular metrics (12Manage n. d. ). A balance score card dimensions for the firm and for each customer segment tier were identified that will allow Proton to monitor and analyze its current executions of customer targeting as well as innovative strategies which represent different changes of key cost drivers of the financial perspective, operational effectiveness, technology as well as customer perspective (Core. org n. d. ) (see Appendix ). Based on the said balance score card dimension, as well as the Delta Model, it is important for Proton to focus on the changing preferences and demands of their current customers, which are their strategic partners from different parts of the globe, as well as their current loyal customers. It is important to focus on new services and products as well as the capability to deliver new car models to their partnership. As a result, the significant dimensions in the performance matrix must be percentage of strategic/exclusive partnership acquisition, percentage of business volume from different strategic/exclusive partnership, as well as switching costs for complementor and customer (Core. org n. d. ). 12. Conclusion Proton was considered as the national car manufacturer of Malaysia and considered as the major player in the industry. However due to the different factors, primarily the implementation of AFTA, the sales and market share of the company decline. In details, the growing competition enables the Malaysian market to have a wide choice of cars to be availed. On the other hand, due to the strong support of the government, as well as the strong position of the company in the market, it can be said that the company failed to focus on the most important aspect of a company in order to maintain competitive advantage, and that is innovation. Most of the customers are saying that the company is no longer offering real new models of cars. Aside from that, the company is also having a problem in their supply chain, which results to high pricing of Proton’s car compare to other international brand in the market. In order to solve the current situation of the company, it will be important to focus on innovation or R;D process. This can be done by focusing on applying new IT or IS to speed up the process of designing. It is also important to focus on the HR aspect of the company in order ensure that the company has talented and skilled staffs to develop new and better products that will suit the ever changing preferences of the consumers. 13. References 12Manage. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis. Available from: http://www. 12manage. com/. [25th March 2009] AseanAffairs (2009). Malaysia’s Proton Still Needs Government Support. 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Appendices 14. 1 Appendix A: Strategic Triangle Enabled Through Effective Use of Technology| System Lock-In * System Economics * Market Dominance * Achieving Complementor Share| System Lock-In * Customer Economics * Cooperation * Achieving Customer Share| Best Products * Product Economics * Rivalry * Achieving Product Share| Source: (Hax ; Wilde II 2003) 14. 2 Appendix B: Balance Score Card Dimension of Proton Balance Scorecard Framework| Shareholder Look| Operational Effectiveness| Organizational Learning| Customer targeting| Proton|  · Volume, revenue, gross margin by technology segment and market segment · Revenue and turnover by geographical segment (Asia, Europe, Middle East, Africa and Pacific) · Revenue and turnover by business domain such as capital, industrial and government. |  · Wholly-owned subsidiary Lotus Engineering UK – leading automotive engineering consultancy company · Application of Information Technology in the R;D and auto development|  · % of sales from new echnology and models; · Training as a % of sales;|  · Customer market share by tier · Profitability by customer tier · Customer satisfaction by tier| Strategic and Integrated Partner companies|  · Volume, revenue, turnover, gross margin by individual client · Year over year sales and turnovers grow th by individual clients; · Return on business relationship investment|  · Cost to serve clients;|  · Number of clients on each country and partner; · Return on investment on collaboration tools per selected clients; · Return on % revenue on the center of excellence establishment|  · Customer satisfaction; · Joint revenue and turnover from complementor relationship · Relationship| Body Shopper|  · Volume, revenue, turnover, gross margin by individual clients; · Return on investment per head; · % revenue and sales from new clients|  · Time needed in order to complete the transaction from start to finish per model or project; · Idle time of engineering; · Return on investment on collaboration; · % of revenue, volume, earnings by different channels:o Referral by clients;o Direct selling;o Cross selling · Cost of training per project|  · Cost of the collaboration tool in order to facilitate transfer of knowledge|  · Cost to serve clients per channel;à ‚ · Customer satisfaction on the models, relationship and cost of products. | Adopted from: (Core. org n. d. ) * Finance Management * Small business account _ Custom Essay Writing Australia Send us your essay instructions. 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