Saturday, March 14, 2020

leonardo essays

leonardo essays Geniuses come few and far between in history. Hippocrates came in the late BC period. Einstein came in the late 1800s-early 1900s. Leonardo came in between the two of them, but is not recognized as well as they are. He was a brilliant human being. He was a master in the fields of painting, designing, engineering, and science. Most people know him merely as an artist, and some know him as an inventor, but not too many people know him for what he really was. This is because his life and his accomplishments are not taught, as in depth as they should be. During the height of the renascence, a genius was born in 1452 in the small town of Vinci, near Florence. He would become a great artist, engineer, inventor, and a scientist. His name was Leonardo, a name that would soon be associated with the word brilliant. He was born to Piero, the lawyer of the town, and Catarina, who gave Leonardo to his father, and left them both for a man of her social class. She is not mentioned in Leonardo's notebooks, as he was probably too young to remember her. Leonardo grew up feeling different from the other children. He had a strange curiosity that was lacking in the other children. He would buy birds from the markets, and set them free, because he thought it was wrong to keep them locked up in cages. He also had a strange curiosity about the world around him. He kept collections of "snakeskins, odd stones polished by water, birds' eggs, the skeletons of small animals, insects stuck on pins, tadpoles, and strange plants," in his room because they fascinated him. Leonardo would draw the things in his collection in a notebook. When his father saw the notebook, he thought that there was a possibility that Leonardo had a chance to become an artist. Piero went into Florence once a month on business and one time he brought some of his sons work. He showed it to his friend Andrea del Verrocchio. He saw more than just mere t...

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